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Executive board: 
Chair: Sarah Mille



Location: Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain

History: The Barcelona College of Chiropractic opened its doors in September 2009.

Prerequisites to apply for this course: 
1. Your prior studies must allow you to access university in your country, that is to say, that you have completed your secondary education (High School). 
2. You must have some prior knowledge of chemistry and biology. You need to have the level acquired in the last year of your secondary education. 
3. The BCC is an international college whose two official languages are Spanish and English. As a result, students are expected to have a high level of knowledge of at least one of the two languages and certain knowledge of the other. 
4. You need to attend a personal interview.

Degree upon graduation: MChiro (Integrated Masters)

Duration of course: 5 years (10 semesters)

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