Executive board:
President: Dafne Jiménez Pérez
Photo: delegation attending the WCCS Annual General Meeting 2018 @ Johannesburg: Jamal Fruster, Amber Majik, Michael Becker, Dafne Jiménez Pérez, Tyler Randolph, Carl Hedrick, Michelle Colón, Marwyn Bandheri, Paul Sivo, Marissa Ruocco, Kristy Yau, Elisa Vélez
Location: Marietta, Georgia, USA
History: Life University was founded in 1974 by Dr. Sid E. Williams. The first class began in January 1975 with 22 students. By 1990, Life University grew to be the largest single-campus chiropractic college in the world. Life University's educational and clinical philosophy is based on Vitalism.
Prerequisites to apply for this course: A minimum total of 90 semester credit hours or 135 quarter credit hours of non-duplicate coursework with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or above, must be completed prior to beginning your chiropractic education.
Degree upon graduation: Doctor of Chiropractic
Duration of course: 14 Quarters